Cyberpunk 2077, mostly simply called Cyberpunk, is a popular commando character based video-game focused on unlocking achievement ranks by completing missions of various levels. The main character of the game, like in PUBG, CoD etc, carries various props including melee knife, machete, katana, axe and hammer etc. HS Blades ENT presents to its customers its distinguishingly forged incarnation of these from top quality steels like Carbon steels, Damascus, T10 etc. One particularly popular prop of Cyberpunk is the Leather Jacket and Longcoats of its characters like Johnny Silverhand ,Ultimate Samurai etc. These leather items are also available at HS Blades ENT sourced from HS Leathers, a subsidiary held completely by HS Group of Industries established in 1935. With over 8 decades of experience in manufacturing of 100% pure leather products, HS Leathers is one of the top and main manufacturers of leather products across the world commonly recognized by their luxury brand name Milado. HS Leathers is also the manufacturer of prestigious leather sheaths for HS Blades Enterprise and is nominating & liked by customers in their online and in person reviews. You can see sample of their works on our product pages. Further, customizations and custom orders are also accepted. If you cannot find an item, please reach us through our 24/7 Live Chat Support or email us your queries with item name/picture. For any other queries and questions, please feel free to contact us through the above channels or through contact tab or on our social media accounts. Link to some FAQs is given in the footer.

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