D.Gray-man is a Japanese manga series by Katsura Hoshino, centered on Allen Walker, an exorcist with a cursed eye and an anti-Akuma weapon arm, fighting against the Millennium Earl and his demonic Akuma. The series blends action, dark fantasy, and horror elements, exploring themes of sacrifice, redemption, and the battle between good and evil. The manga features various props during its course which are being recreated by hand forged steels by HS Blades ENT. These include Yu Kanda's Muen Shirasaya, Allen's Crown Clown, Cross Grave, Lavi's Ironhammer. Tese blades are forged exquisitely from high end steels like carbon steel, spring steel, 440C & Damascus etc. Further, customizations and custom orders are also accepted. If you cannot find an item, please reach us through our 24/7 Live Chat Support or email us your queries with item name/picture. For any other queries and questions, please feel free to contact us through the above channels or through contact tab or on our social media accounts. Link to some FAQs is given in the footer.

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